We are part of the world wide movement of Y's Men's International which is a service club for the YMCA. The Club was chartered in 1989 and is a group of men and women who endeavour to raise money or goods for charity as well as enjoying social activities together.
We enjoy a special relationship with Hanham Methodist Church and hold our meetings and most of our other events there.
The Club embraces international aims, by supporting the YMCA and other worthy organisations, encouraging justice in civic and international affairs (without entering into party politics) and trying to live out our motto "To acknowledge the duty which accompanies every right". Locally we support the Methodist Churches of our members and their young people. Our specific objectives are clearly stated in our constitution.
Socially we have a Supper Night every third Friday of the month, with either a speaker or an activity. The subjects are wide ranging. Our main fund raising events include such things as Quiz Nights, Hot Dogs on the Common, Concerts and Soups and Puddings during the downtime of the local church lunch club (Friendly Table).
The Club is managed by a Board of Governors, which meets regularly to guide it through the many facets of its business. There are two level of memberships - Full and Support. A full member has full voting rights and can be benefit from all the advantages open to a member of the International Club. A support member is sponsored by a full member and is only allowed to vote for the choice of charities that will receive donations in a given year. The annual subscription is £35 for a Full member (which goes entirely to International Funds for administration and corporate charity giving) and £17.50 for a Support member (which is retained by the Club for our charity giving).
This is also significant and is made up of the YMCA triangle bordering our 'Y' and the Star of Bethlehem; this in turn surmounts the globe, which reminds us that there are more than 140 Y's Men's Clubs in the world today.